Friday, June 24, 2016

Уовгитьчамыща: Hello. My name is Уовгитьчамыща. What's your name?

My name is Kzahmuh. Nice to meet you.

Ima: My name is Ima

Kzahmuh: Hi Ima. Scott told me you're going to the Love Planet...

Ima: Yeah, that's Center.

Уовгитьчамыща:and that's right too but yes, that's Center.

Kzahmuh: What's Center?

Ima: the Love Planet

Kzahmuh: that'll be fun!

Ima: Yeah! You're sure pretty Kzahmuh!

Kzahmuh: thanks, I'm a transgender girl.

Ima: Transgender girl? Are you still in school?

Kzahmuh: Yes and no. I go to a parallel university...

Ima: Where?

Kzahmuh: A parallel universe.

Ima: How do you know Scott? (Ima looks jealous.)

Kzahmuh: I'm not sure but he said he was dreaming when...

Ima: Yeah okay, he's bothered by the news. Me too and...

Kzahmuh: What Ima, you wanted the Warriors to win the NBA title?

Ima: No Kzahmuh, I like the Cavaliers.

Kzahmuh: Oh you mean the mass shooting at that nightclub. Yeah, I'm sad too and I guess all of our minds and hearts came together, and Scott somehow found me in a parallel universe and I wanted to comfort him and also go with you to make the Love Planet a world where everyone is loved and no one is threatened or hurt.

Ima: I'm happy you're here.

Уовгитьчамыща: Girls, we need to get some sleep.

Ima: alright Yavki

Уовгитьчамыща: Ee, what do you think we're gonna dream about tonight?

Ima: Scott dreaming about us.

Kzahmuh: that sounds like fun! Can I do that too?

Ima: Yeah! The three of us against one Scott, we'll win!

Уовгитьчамыща: No Ima, we'll all win when we get into Anything and he's with us.

Kzahmuh: I forget, what's Anything? Lingerie?

Ima: LOL Kzahmuh

Kzahmuh: Yeah, I was trying to make a joke.

Ima: I'm happy you're here in our universe, Kzahmuh.

Kzahmuh: Me too, Ima. I think I'll stay.