Wednesday, June 26, 2019

bzzz ooht
bzzz ooht
it's me, Ima, hello?
Ima: haha, Yavki !
I'm glad you're back.
I heard you kicked
some ass.
Not just the ass, Ima.
Ima: hahaha...
You know, I'm so happy.
bzzz ooht
oh that's for real.
Is that Scott?
Ima: No, it's Kzahmuh.
Where is she?
Ima: I don't know but
she wants to know if
there's lots of candy.
Chamomile: Ima, there's
a whole bunch of candy
Superpower Grape Punch Candy
and the picture of this one here
looks like a super strange banana
but they say it's like mango flavor
Уовгитьчамыща: and what, Chamomile?
Chamomile: Starfruit and of course
ugimers fruits
Ima: Of course that ugimersht. I love it!
Wow! Is that all for Kzahmuh?
Chamomile: Did she save and protect?
Ima: Kzahmuh, are you still there?
okay,  did you save and protect?
Kzahmuh: Why did you ask me like that?
Yeah, I did um and I was saved
or brought back.
Ima: okay, whatever, there's a huge
little mountain of candy waiting
here for you, so hurry up!
Kzahmuh: I'll be right there!

Friday, June 21, 2019

Ann: do-do-do-do

    :  don't
      ah ha ha ha
they can't see me.
I'll change what
happens into doesn't
do to don't
does to doesn't
I hope they
can't see me.

Ann: do-do-do-do
Great tune, Ann!
We can make our
grand entrance!
ha ha of course
I'm joking.
knock. knock.
Хлеба: Who goes there?
Ann: Khleba, open the door.
Hurry! That villain could
be after us.
Хлеба: Are you afraid?
Ann: Of course not! Yavki
pounded them. I've never
seen such a flurry of punches.
but the villain escaped.
Уовгитьчамыща: and he
could be invisible.

: Damnit! they know
  I'm invisible. Hey somebody
  reversed us beating them.
: Nobody beats me !
  aaaerr ga dahmaah!
Kzahmuh: Nobody? okay
I've never been called that,
um I outwit the greatest
villains. It's a lot of fun!
    oh no! We time reset back to...

...oh no, they're kissing.
Wait! I need to go
invisible, and eww he
is giving her a ring?
Okay, um well it's not me,
it's me in the other
universe, at least he's
growing his hair longer.

Cookie: I can do this job,
boss. Mr. Changer, we'll
get her, now! Hey! Where
did she go? She disappeared.

Хлеба: Yeah! Come on in,
we're ready for a party!
Ann: Thanks Khleba. So are we!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Hours ago
Kzahmuh: Got him!
Haha I'm sure glad
I met you, Ann.
Ann: Who is that?!
Kzahmuh: I don't know.
but this person looks
a bit like me. wait. hmm...
What's this thing?
Ann: Don't touch it.
Kzahmuh: I already did...
ooh ee ooh woot ah ee ah
Ann: that sounds bad!
(like new)
Kzahmuh: So, this is what
happened? I guess I'm glad
they met each other. They saved me...

Kzahmuh: What's this? oh yeah,
my research on other writers in
other parallel universes...
What?!! Oh no, there are no other
Scott or Yavkitchamitcha writers.
I hope they're okay because
we need them to continue
writing our story.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Chamomile: Wow! That's a nice dress,
Gertrude. I like it very much.
Can I have one?
Gertrude: Sure, Chamomile. It has
secret pockets for your devices.
Chamomile: Yeah, I have a fun button.
It works, too.
Хлеба: That's funny, Chamomile.
Chamomile: I also have a new
blueberry pie!
Хлеба: Where?
Chamomile: Right here. But you already
have eaten too much.
Хлеба: No. I'm just getting started.
ugimers ugimers
ugimers ugimers...
Chamomile: Oh it's my phone!
I wondered where you went.
Хлеба: Who is it?
Chamomile: It's the  woman
that was here.
Хлеба: woman?
Chamomile: Is, um
Is your name Vulla?
Yes, okay, what?!!
The policeman and
a reporter are what?
Хлеба, some bad man
has them, or something.
Where's Number Joe?
Хлеба: I think he went
outside to look around
and see if there were
any more problems.
Where's Ima? Did she
go out there too?
Chamomile: oh Vulla
did you mean Joe?
Vulla: Yes, it's him
and some reporter. I heard
him say, um ask that guy
if he thinks he's one of the best villain characters ever.
really? What did he say?
Vulla: Something
about this being real.
Real?! Oh yes, it is.
Хлеба: What's real,
Chamomile? Oh that
blueberry pie, it sure does taste real.

Friday, June 07, 2019

Gertrude: This
new dress is
absolutely the best,
girls, and it's for
everywhere and
any occasion! It's
for fun of all kinds,
just use your
imagination. Even
if you're hoping to
meet an alien like
I am um like I want to
do or just the man of
your dreams...

Tuesday, June 04, 2019

don't condense
my waffles date
if you do, i will be
very mad at you
put some verys
on top of very
at the table
on my plate
in the bed
stay up late
in the morning
very very very
it's pouring verys
i'm pouring verys
on top of verys
it's raining the very, very
we're merry never to the contrary
very sweet like syrup
on top of my waffles
date all twenty four times seven
always continue to add and increase verys for the perfect waffles date.