Saturday, October 31, 2020

Jane or Jasmine: This dress is perfect for when you're feeling happy.

Ima Gertrude Jane or Jasmine Yavkitchamitcha Mold Time Travel Changer Khleba Kzahmuh

Ima: I know that you think something's going on, but it's not. Yavkitchamitcha: Tell him, Ima.

Ima Khleba Travaia Kzahmuh Yavkitchamitcha Emeri Jackson (reporter)

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Gertrude: I'm Yavkitchamitcha.

Kzahmuh Yavkitchamitcha Ima Emeri Jackson (reporter) Khleba Travaia Gertrude Jane or Jasmine Ann Chamomile  

Yavkitchamitcha: Yes. This has been fun. I love my party!

Yavkitchamitcha Ima Kzahmuh Khleba Travaia Emeri Jackson (reporter) Mold Ann Jane or Jasmine Gertrude


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Kzahmuh: Why will we feel better? Chamomile: the waffles.


Kzahmuh Chamomile Ima Gertrude Yavkitchamitcha Yavkitchamitcha (writer, this universe) Scott Mold

Chamomile: just like a sweet, delicious fantasy.

Chamomile Ima Mold Time Travel Changer Emeri Jackson (reporter) Ui Vulla Vila Pnah Kzahmuh


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Uladocha: It's a ... ? It's a cake? Meirohma: Yeah. It's a cake!

Uladocha Meirohma Kzahmuh Khleba Ima Travaia Yavkitchamitcha

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Vulla Vila: Ima, it's my fault, so I let them in.

Ima Emeri Jackson (reporter) Mold Vulla Vila Ui Pnah Uladocha Meirohma


Ui: Who's laughing? Pnah: I don't see anyone.

Khleba Yavkitchamitcha Ima Chamomile Ui Pnah Kzahmuh Vulla Vila

Mold's top man outside: We can't get in. Mold: Nooo!!


Ima Mold Kzahmuh Pink Ima Yavkitchamitcha Number Joe Khleba

Monday, October 19, 2020

Mold's top man outside: We can't get in. Mold: Nooo!!


Ima Mold Kzahmuh Pink Ima Yavkitchamitcha Number Joe Khleba

Ima: What is he doing? Drawing on his waffle?

Pink Ima Ima Khleba Mold Uhrayuh Jane or Jasmine Gertrude Kzahmuh Chamomile


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Yavkitchamitcha: It's only a toy. Mold: My mold toy.

Ima Mold Khleba Kzahmuh Yavkitchamitcha Ann Chamomile Travaia Pink Ima


Pink Ima: These two are causing problems. Uhrayuh: Thanks for letting them in.

Pink Ima Uhrayuh Mold Ima Joe (Number Joe) Yavkitchamitcha Gertrude Jane or Jasmine Vulla Vila Khleba


Friday, October 16, 2020

Mermaid: You put my name on there while I was undercover. Ima: and now? Emeri Jackson (reporter): This is good stuff. What a script!

Mermaid Ima Emeri Jackson (reporter) universes Number Joe Ann Khleba Kzahmuh


Number Joe: We're back again! Khleba: Are you sure? Kzahmuh: Nice one, friend.

Number Joe Khleba Kzahmuh Ima Uhrayuh Gertrude Jane or Jasmine Mermaid Helen (undercover) fashion show


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

bzzz ooht bzzz ooht bzzz ooht Khleba: You know it's Scott and Yavkitchamitcha the writer.

bzzz ooht Khleba Emeri Jackson (reporter) Ima Yavkitchamitcha Kzahmuh Anything

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Mold: Why can't I talk? Ima: You're talking. I get the opening.

Mold Ima Vulla Vila Emeri Jackson (reporter) Khleba Chamomile


Pink Ima: Oh you! I'm tired of you.

Mold Time Travel Changer Pink Ima Ima Uhrayuh


Saturday, October 10, 2020

Yavkitchamitcha: This is a great party!

Yavkitchamitcha Ima Khleba Travaia Ann Kzahmuh 

Cookie Child: I want candy! Ima: Oh that's what happened to you. Is she studying? Gertrude: Sometimes. I'm just Mom for a minute.

Ima Yavkitchamitcha Jane or Jasmine Kzahmuh Khleba Chamomile Gertrude Cookie Child Mom

Sunday, October 04, 2020

Saturday, October 03, 2020

Yavkitchamitcha (writer, this universe): Hello Ima. What are you going to do next? Ima: You'll see.

                Meirohma Uladocha Ima Rosemary Kzahmuh Khleba Juniper Scott Yavkitchamitcha (writer)

Thursday, October 01, 2020