Dolly: I see a tiny piece of the pie, but aren't McDonald's little
apple and cherry pies 2 for $1 where he bought them? Why doesn't he show me both pies? It's because he's a cheapskate. I'll bet he doesn't even open the door for all the OTHER pretty girls.
Dolly: He didn't even have to tell me to smile. I threw that
in for free, unlike those beeeautiful supper models. (Dolly,
they are supermodels, not supper models. haha)
Dolly: You know what, if I can get that little pie box away from him, I'll check to see if there's a pie tree in there. That way I won't have to settle for apples, plums and whatever else falls on the ground.
Dolly: If he doesn't give me that piece of pie in a few minutes,
I plan to hold a protest on the front lawn. Which means I suppose
I gotta make up with the squirrels if I want them to hold PICK IT
signs. We are gonna pick all them fruit trees and get mom to make us a few hundred dozen fruit pies. Then, after we are all full of pie, I'm going to REALLY dig lotsa holes in the garden, so we can plant some of them trees that have fruit pies on them.
That's great, Dolly! Actually at one time McDonald's had TV commercials about a fairytale-like place called McDonaldland. In this commercial, Ronald McDonald gives two kids a mini tour to see "apple pie trees" and lotsa other cool things. I found the video on YouTube, which I'm sure readers will find interesting. My take on the commercial is: I wish we never had to cook any meals, and that all the food grew that way. That would be cool! If burgers grew on plants, it would sort of confuse vegetarians, I think. Maybe they would be soy burgers, which I eat all the time. They are delicious with a slice of melted cheese on top.
I'll have more on these topics sometime, though I'm not sure when that will be. Take care. Have a great day! Enjoy your meals and snacks!
Note: I did write Dolly's lines in this post (that's obvious) because I have an amazing mental power (joking, of course) which allows me to translate a dog's greatest desire--to eat 24/7--into words less intelligible than its own barking sounds. haha
Disclaimer: I do not work for McDonald's or other fast-food chains written about on my blog Fast Food Yummy and I do not speak for them. I am a writer and fast food is interesting to me.