I love going out for soda and if a fast-food restaurant has great tasting fountain drinks, they will see me again and again.
Taco Time in Ontario has the best fountain soda. It tastes very sweet--the way I like pop-- with the perfect amount of carbonation, not too little and not too much. I've been frequenting this Taco Time for several years because it has consistently outstanding fountain drinks.
My decision was the result of drinking soda at many other Ontario fast-food restaurants a good part of this decade as well as getting fountain drinks in convenience stores at gas stations and truck stops. And after a long process of slowly eliminating from contention many of the fountain drinks (some were terrible and not worth remembering), I narrowed it down to a small number of great fountain drinks in the last year.
Taco Time finished "Number 1" in fountain-drink soda, followed by Carl's Jr. which also had very good soda. The last time I drank soda at these two restaurants (different days), I went there at about the same time of day, which was around 5 pm, before the dinner crowd arrived. I drank my mixture of Diet Coke and Dr Pepper from each restaurant. Taco Time had the sweeter soda. The carbonation of the soda was outstanding.
The fountain soda at Carl's Jr. this time was still good but could have been sweeter, and it also had a bit too much fizz which bothers my stomach. That's why I feel Taco Time has the best fountain soda.
But maybe in a year or two, I'll do this all over again... THE BEGINNING. haha You thought I was going to write... umm the end?! Not a chance.
Note: I don't work at these or any other fast-food restaurants or chains, and I don't own a fast-food business. I eat fast food and write about it.