Hello. I wanted to give a long time on top of my blog to my list of (what I think) are the 25 best rock songs of the '00s. I wrote previously that this list is based on what I think, after listening to many songs. My list was based on my thinking about and comparing songs in a variety of ways. A few of my favorite songs of the '00s didn't make the list, which means this wasn't a list of my 25 favorite songs and that's why I called this list:
"My List of 25 Best Rock Songs of the '00s" However, these songs are all among my favorites.
The song
"Vitamin R (Leading Us Along)" by Chevelle is 'Number 1' of the '00s, in my opinion, because it is an outstanding hard-rock/alternative-rock song with a progressive-rock flow and feel to it.
The vocals are among the best in the history of rock music. The lyrics are also outstanding, although I liked the lyrics in
"Best Of You" by
Foo Fighters and
"Sooner or Later" by
Breaking Benjamin slightly better. When I made the decision, I was thinking the singing is great on those two songs too but liked the Vitamin R singing better and thought the music and song composition also was by far the best, making it the best rock song of the decade and one of the best rock songs of all time.
All 25 songs will be in my 100 best rock songs from 1970 to the end of 2009. But there will be more songs from the '00s on the list, and I can tell you right now that one of the songs is by
Slipknot and it's one of my favorites.
One more thing:
Congratulations to the
New Orleans Saints on winning the
Super Bowl! And congratulations to Saints fans, too, who waited a long time for a Super Bowl championship. I admire people who keep rooting for their favorite team and never give up on them. Enjoy the celebration!!
Peace! Stay cool!