and I will say this again for the hard of reading,
I am NOT a Steely Dan album cover.
That's just in case someone wondered. haha
And if some guy, or gal, is thinking, hmmm, but I'll bet some days he feels like one. Yes, in fact that would be fun because they had some of the best album covers and among my favorite songs.
One time I was eating out, and I'm fairly sure I was at a Carl's Jr. (tie-in to fast food because after all, this is a fast food blog, just don't try to eat the blog) so anyway, to complete this absolutely gawd awful sentence, what the heck was I saying. Oh, I forget now.
Oh yeah, I was eating -- and it was a long time ago so don't ask me what I ordered -- and on comes the song "Doctor Wu" by Steely Dan. I love that song.
So then, I was happy and maybe there wasn't even a pretty girl with me. I say maybe because I can't remember because girlfriends come and go but Steely Dan's fabulous music isn't ever going to leave me.
Yeah, I am getting sort of emotional. But other than the obvious, Steely Dan will be on my 100 Best Rock Songs List but I'm not sure how much because I'm trying to be objective too, which I won't be if I ever get another date. It's a long dry spell in my love(less) life.
But now I'm getting sidetracked, and what I wanted to write was the following:
Some of the songs on my 100 Best Rock Songs List are the single version of the song or the one that was on the radio and my thinking is that many people heard those songs. However, I don't assume anything these days, and also many great songs don't get played by radio DJ's and that really, really sucks!
To the best of my ability, I do try to include album tracks in my decision making process, so some of the songs on the list will be songs on albums. I'm using that word "albums" in a general sense, and I do mean CDs, records, LPs, and cassette tapes, even a few 8-track tapes which they sold in stores in the past. But I'm also considering singles, the songs of music videos, and some Live songs as long as I strongly believe those were by the recording artists and those Live versions were available to a large number of listeners. But it doesn't matter to me whether it was a big hit or not. People can be wrong. Right?
I'm in favor of everyone, everywhere being able to receive the recognition they deserve if their songs are among the best, so yes there will be songs by foreign recording artists (countries where English is not the main language or first language) on my list of 100 rock songs. However, I'm not creating spots for those artists, so if their songs are on the list, it means they really were -- in my opinion-- among the very best songs over the last forty years.
Also, with so many people on the Internet these days, it's appropriate and important to find out what other people are listening to, and while I do not base my decisions on what other people think or their lists, though it does provide one with a chance to know about more songs. Yahoo Music, YouTube, and other sources of information, in my opinion, are ways for people to hear great songs. So thank you to all recording artists who allow music listeners to find out about their music and hear their songs, and also giving us more information on new albums and soon-to-be-released albums and where we can see them in concert. Good luck to everyone!
There's a video on YouTube (says it's a fan-made video) and I think it's a very good one. Electronic music can get on my '100 Best' list and the song "Roygbiv" by Boards of Canada, is one of the best electronic songs I've ever heard -- so it's going to be on the list.
It's a crossover song/recording artist (there will be more on my list) and if I were writing a list of 100 best electronic songs, "Roygbiv" certainly would be on that list and much closer to the top.
Note: The publication dates/posting dates (I mean the order of of the announcements of songs making my 100 Best Rock Songs List) have nothing to do with its number on the list. I have chosen to do it this way in an effort to be as objective and unbiased as possible, and to honor the recording artists for their great songs. However, in the end there's no doubt my own personal tastes in music and my opinion of what makes a great song will play a key role in whether or not a song makes the list and which number it gets to on the list.
I am not responsible for the linked to videos or linked to websites and those are the property of its owners. Also I didn't post music videos and haven't commented about music there for a long time so those are not my comments at YouTube. I've noticed some individuals' comments on YouTube go way too far and can be quite offensive, so if that bothers you, then please don't read those offensive type of comments. If I can think of more to add, I will do so later.
I'm glad
Boards of Canada got on my 100 Best Rock Songs List.