I don't usually review or write about candy, but I wanted to try these Special Edition M&M's. (October of last year) The reason was I bought some other M&M's that cost too much to eat. So I wanted to have some candy that wouldn't make me feel sad about eating it. haha Yeah, it does sound kind of funny.
This is "Strawberried Peanut Butter" M&M's. It tastes okay to me but I like the regular M&M's better. I have no connection to M&M's or any candy, or food products unless I say so, nor do I have a connection to the rock group KISS. I say this because yesterday evening (as I already pointed out this was last year), I went to the local Walmart superstore where they are selling some KISS memorabilia and novelty items including KISS M&M's. One pretty worker there wanted to hold my newly purchased KISS M&M's, and I let her.
It was too much at $6 a bag and workers said it wasn't selling so Walmart was reducing the price to 2 bags for $6. So I got it at that nice price. Their recommendation to me was maybe I should just look at the candy because it would be worth a lot someday. I agree but it might take until KISS stops and doesn't come back again, until people miss them enough to buy this old candy.
Oh yeah, I also have no connection to getting older. That part's not true. But what I can say is age doesn't matter, so let's continue to listen to all music that makes us feel good.