Boundaries of the imagination may be all that can limit our creativity as writers. It's almost Halloween and that's a good time to have a little fun!
This is a Sunchoke (also known as a Jerusalem artichoke) from the garden. It's a tuber and grows in the soil. In one sense, I like sunchokes better than potatoes because they have a sweet, nutty flavor. It's good steamed with butter or in thin slices, fried and served like hash browns. Yum!
Since it's going to be Halloween on Saturday, I'll be eating candy and write about it. But I don't eat candy every day. Hey, I can't believe it's snowing as I type, though I'm hoping it won't stick.
Being a real live snowman for Halloween would be a very cool costume, but I prefer having a hot babe in each arm. Of course it's another fantasy that will melt away, as soon as my brain thaws out. haha Lots of kidding in here. Too bad goofing off isn't considered a transferable skill. Then I might actually be able to lasso a real paying job, that is permanent and with benefits. I need to invent a time machine that takes me back to the Old West, or to the 25th century. Maybe it's nice there. And who knows, perhaps "Fast Food Yummy" is required reading for college students in the future. I always had a feeling pretty girls would like me better after I was dead. Oh yeah, I will be there if I can somehow invent a time machine. Better get to work. haha Bye.