I liked this Egg Nog Shake from McDonald's. We parked and I sipped on it. Yeah, I did "ENJOY" the shake as it says on the cup, but I would have liked the pumpkin-flavored shake better. Several times I tried to order that flavor of shake at two or more McDonald's restaurants (and it was listed on the drive-thru menu) but when I asked they said they they didn't have it right now.
Maybe someone somewhere doesn't want me to drink that flavor because they think I'll want to vote, since (as I recall) the last time I had that flavor of shake, I voted the same day.
Let's see now, what could I vote for this time: I'll vote for the shake that's best to drink while I'm voting... for best shake. Okay, I'm kidding. But really. I did drink some shakes this year to try to figure out which shake I liked best, and I think it just got me more confused. But if I can't come to a decision right away, then I can drink more shakes next year. So the world can't end in 2010. At least not until I'm finished drinking shakes.
A. Doomsayers, quit saying the world is going to end. B. Smile.