I'm not here to read minds, especially the mind of a dog, but let me guess...
Dolly's eyes speak volumes:
1(a)The bedroom is messy and he didn't make his bed, so why did he invite me in here? Oh wait umm... I'm a dog and I invited myself in. That's cool.
1(b)Any person reading this who wants me, the pretty dog in the picture, to invite myself in to their bedroom had better have bags full of goodies.
1(r)I think I skipped a few letters, but I'm a dog and this is just a short list that's on my mind, or actually it isn't, but I'm sure someone is saying I have... yeah, like these logical thoughts about what I'm going to eat next. Yeah right, like Hello?!
2(d)Don't expect any diet tips from me. I'm a dog and I love to eat.
2(x)I wonder what's in 'Bag Number 2', and finally...
(z)Where's bag number 3? We need more choices.
1(a)We have to start over with 1(a) coz I ran out of numbers and letters, but I'll finish with 1(a) because it's most important... this is it, umm Forget The Past, it's bad for you, and by that I mean quit telling me that I already ate dinner. Out of sight, out of mind... It's the past. I can't stand people with too much baggage, you know like thinking about the past all the time. We dogs are superior in that regard coz we just keep moving on. So, like I said/thought...umm no I didn't really think this but it doesn't matter though, just feed me! Enjoy right now, tomorrow may never come... no, no I'm a dog, it will come, and the refrigerator of life (lousy metaphor) is full of so many possibilities, and foods.