Sunday, September 19, 2010

Strange light shining down on my shake

This was one time late at night that I went to Arby's, and after going through the drive-thru, pulled in to sip the shake. Thank goodness I had a flashlight or I would have needed help from a full-lying soso-er, or just a regular flying saucer, or anything landing in the parking lot at just the right time. That, or turn on the overhead light, but I'm too lazy. Not really, though it is more interesting to act dumb as a writer. Too many pompous jerks out there. I'm not one. Keep being the Being that you are. In!

Next time I'll name that shake! Whew! See, if I'd written "Out!" I would have felt silly coming back and continuing to write but I wrote "In!" ... and I just wanted to point that out.