Saturday, April 18, 2020

Travaia: These two trees are identical.
Am I dreaming?
Travaia: Music two my ears.
Pwhwuu ...
Travaia: First you meet my punch
then my throw down. but who did that?
Wow! the ground everything repeats?
Two of everything?
Cookie: I can't move.
Travaia: Yes. that's the point.
You're a villain and now we have you?
Who's the child?
Cookie Child: I'm a little cookie.
Travaia: Oh no! This is too dangerous for you.
Cookie Child: Yeah! I'm scared.

Ann: okay stand still, I'll comb your hair.
Cookie Child: Where's mommy?
Ann: You mean Gertrude?
Cookie Child: Yeah. Why did you make my
hair look like a boy?
Ann:  What?

Jane or Jasmine: Put some clothes on, Gertrude.
Gertrude: Yes. How do you like this dress?
Jane or Jasmine: Wow, it's beautiful!
Gertrude: I knew you'd like all the flowers
of spring pretty dress.

Pnah: What's wrong with this TV?
Ui: I don't know but then again I don't know
how we got the channel in the first place.
Pnah: Oh look, she put on a dress . . .