Thursday, May 07, 2020

Ui:  ut oh!
Pnah: What  oh?
Ui:  Look. I think she sees us.
Pnah:  Ut oh!
Ui:  Yeah. We're in trouble.
Pnah:  Huh?
Ui:  Huh  what?

Ima:  Someone is watching us.
Khleba: wow!  Fun.
Let's put on a show.
Kzahmuh: We need to go to
The Other Room to decide how
to send the bad guys back
to their universe.
Gertrude:  Hi.
Kzahmuh: Hi. You look nice.
Ima: They were doing the fashion
show and
Gertrude: Yes, over in our ship.
Kzahmuh: We need to go to the ship
and spend some time figuring out
what to do.

Ui:  Do they mean a spaceship?
Pnah:  I don't know but I hope so.
           They sure are strange.