Saturday, January 12, 2019

Calm comes in many varieties.
Most are conducive to relaxation.
Rest. Kick back. Spend some time
with a hobby. Don't let yourself
get carried away, especially if
you are a good guy or gal. They're
coming for us. It's that kind of calm
characterized by peace and quiet.
Outside the atmosphere felt
like morning sky could be positive
and seek the highest goals. All on
its own. Anything wasn't giving
away its secrets, as a parallel-universe
hopping ship it gave off a serious look.
Quite. Beneath the surface was
a personality. Even a happy-go-lucky
sort. Both an asset and a liability.
Build from your strengths.
The strongest is also the weakness
that can do you. In. Love. You
wouldn't pay attention if this was
in a regular sentence.

Behind you!

How did you get here? We left

Yes. You thought they would blame me
for what you did.

Yes. We did. hahaha but how did
you find us?

It was easy, Number Joe told me.

What is that, a projection, a video
recording? Why isn't his mouth
moving, if he told you?

It's his memory. And you underestimated

Who do you think you are?

I'm Vullaneva Vilanitana.
but you can call me
Vulla Vila.

Ima: What's going
on outside?
We need to find out
and we have to
decide what to do.
Ima: Is that the
red one?
What? Yes, I see
there's a beautiful
red woman out there. Who is she?
Ima: Kzahmuh? Was she in your dream?