Tuesday, January 08, 2019

eow me eow me aahh um
eow me eow me aahh um

Ima: Where's Scott?
Whose phone is that?
Pink Ima: I'm baaack!
Ima: oh I'm glad you're back.
Pink Ima: I thought you didn't like me.
Ima: I like you. How did you get here?
I'll tell you, but I better get my phone.
Pink Ima: oh it says I missed Scott.
Ima: You mean you missed
a call from Scott?
Pink Ima: Yes, that's true.
Ima: no! I miss him.
Хлеба: Can't we all miss him?
Ima: Yes, Хлеба, but I'm his
Хлеба: that's not true. He likes
Ima: (changing the subject)
I need to listen to this message.
oh okay, it's him...
Yavkitchamitcha from here is
trying to find Khleba...
Хлеба: Where are they?
Ima: Just a minute...I'm listening
okay, he says they're at a bunch
of fast food places
Хлеба: and?
Ima: Chamomile is working
on getting the pies delivered
and some new kinds of candy
Kzahmuh: new candy! Yeah!
Ima: Do you feel better,
Kzahmuh: Yeah, I do!
Хлеба: What's wrong, um
with you, I mean what
happened, Kzahmuh?
Ima: She had a bad dream.
Kzahmuh: so, when do I get
Ima: Chamomile is opening
The Waffle Planet
Хлеба: Great! I didn't
finish my last waffle.
Ima: You ate too much,
Хлеба, you must have
set a waffles record.
Уовгитьчамыща: And you
Ima are a waffle date hog!
It's my turn.
Ima: What did Scott's
message to you say?
Pink Ima: Not much (that)
you need to know...
just he hopes I had
a good trip, and
that Kzahmuh is
Kzahmuh: sorry, honey!
I'll share my candy with
you, okay?