Monday, May 06, 2019

Fun Button?
Wow! Cool. Press Here.
Jane or Jasmine: 
I'll fly over, um
out there and get him.
Хлеба: swim up?
Jane or Jasmine: yeah.
Gertrude: We have
new dresses , girls.
Pink Ima: and excesses?
I'll throw my pink
and make love win!

Gertrude: I'll surround
him with me, me, me
and um me in this
beautiful floral dress.
and PUNCH!!
Jane or Jasmine:
it's casual and formal
too ladies, and just
what you were looking
for to get the looks that you're looking for
and turn his head.

Mold: My neck, my neck.
Damnit, I shouldn't
have turned my head.
Chamomile: Press Here?
okay, yeah!
oh sleeping beauties
awaken, and ...
Ima: (yawns) ah ar
oh What's going on?
Vulla Vila: Your friend
got a pie in the face,
and I fell asleep.

Ima: Yeah, I fell
asleep and didn't get
to see it. oh Khleba
got a pie in the face.
ha ha ha
Хлеба: oh yeah!
wow! I did it!
Ima: What? ate
a delicious pie?
Хлеба: No. Well,
Yes. but watch this!
zub buh bzzruu...
Ima: Wow! Cool
Mold, give up!
Got him!
You got me!
I'm gonna call
this a layp
or khlep or find
the villain and stop him!