Thursday, May 16, 2019

Хлеба: Nooooo!!! ?!!!
Travaia: What's wrong?!!
You woke me up.
Pink Ima: The mermaid
was singing about something sad.
It's horrible.
Хлеба: this is worse.
Travaia: Hey, wake him up!
Chamomile: I'll wave this
hot fresh waffle in front
of his face.
Travaia: Number Joe, I mean
policeman Joe, wake up and
take this, um this terrible person away.
Mold: Person? thank you
I like that you respect me.
Travaia: I don't respect you. They're going to lock you up

and throw
away the key.
Хлеба: oh no, 
I can't believe
this happened
or will happen.
oh noooo...
Travaia: What?
He has to go to jail
and don't let him out.
Хлеба: Not that.
(Whispering to Travaia...)
I saw in my mind Kzahmuh
in cutoffs and a t-shirt
talking to Scott but they
didn't really know each other.
Travaia: Where are we?
Mold: haha idiots You're right here!

Хлеба: Shut up!
It's a bad problem if true. I left THIS ON.
Travaia: What is that?

Kzahmuh: and this is what would
have happened. I'm not sure Changer
wanted to destroy superheroes, writers, or you.
Уовгитьчамыща (writer this universe):
You're doing a great
job, Kzahmuh. thanks.