Thursday, May 02, 2019

Time Travel Changer: This was easy.
Now I just need to figure out 
these controls, what does this
button do? I'll use this spaceship
to take over... who are you?!
Anything: guess.
Time Travel Changer: Are you human?
Anything: I wish. um no, I don't.
guess again.
Time Travel Changer: Where
are you from?
Anything: right here.
You're inside of me.

Уовгитьчамыща: Let's go back in,
Ann, then on to The Waffle Planet.
Ann: Okay, I'll open Anything.

ooeeo ooeeo

Time Travel Changer: What's that ?
Anything: friends
Time Travel Changer: I don't
have any friends.
Anything: I do.

Уовгитьчамыща: I know you.
Time Travel Changer: oh hehe
ah ooh if it isn't the little girl
who had one lucky day, long ago
you're pretty but you're nobody.

You're as bad as ever.
Ann: Do you want me to
No, Ann, I will
um  ON?
Ann: yes
Time Travel Changer:
Where did you go?
My men are outside
waiting to end you.

Anything: POW! thwoosh
now stay still, and I'll.
Where are you?
Time Travel Changer:
Get away button is
so great!!

Time Travel Changer:
Nice to see you again
grown up girl.
Meet your final scene.
Get her.
Sorry, Mom!
Time Travel Changer:
Oh, she loves her Mommy!
How sweet!

See me?
Time Travel Changer:
Now I do, yes!
vwewp Pow! Smack!
fwewp Pow! Smack!
Ann: Best punches
and flips of bad guys
by a superhero.
Time Travel Changer:
Don't you mean actress?
Ann: both

Reporter: My name
is Emeri Jackson,
reporting on two of
today's most important
news stories.

I am on the outskirts
of town in search of
the woman who is this
year's Best Actress.
Her name is Yavkitchamitcha.

In another development,
there are unexplained
UFO sightings and a growing
number of lights in the night time sky...