Friday, November 15, 2019

Scott: We better get back. Those bad guys are bad
and mean but Ima's gonna be mad.
Yavkitchamitcha (writer): Yeah this is just
like a fairy tale for kids with a happy ending,
um you know, plus Ima. haha
Scott: I thought you said just write
what the girls do... Ima, Yavki and
Yavkitchamitcha: Yes, but I needed
to laugh because...
Scott: because crying's no fun?
Yavkitchamitcha: and we're getting too
I'll call Ima back.
bzzz ooht bzzz ooht
Ima: wow! It's my phone, that's sure
beauty to my ears. Put it in the
hall of fame of phones.
Ann: What, Ima?
Ima: It's our writer Yavkitchamitcha.
Yavkitchamitcha (writer): We're coming back
for the party! and want to have fun!
Ima: It's a Waffles Date!
Yavkitchamitcha (writer): Plus
Ima: Plus what?
Yavkitchamitcha (writer): Plus a heroes Party
Ima: Super
Yavkitchamitcha (writer): Super what?
Ima: heroes. We're superheroes.
Yavkitchamitcha (writer): I'm a writer.
What should I write about what
happened? I stopped some bad guys.
Ima: Really? That's cool.
So then, you're a Writer Plus.
Yavkitchamitcha (writer): Yes, that is a plus
Thanks. Where's Vulla Vila? Is she okay?
Ima: Yes. I think so anyway.
Travaia used some of her
new or recent inventions.
The Cookie Compound or
Cookieoid factory is walled in.
They can't get out.
Ann: Is that Number Joe
in there, too?
Ima: Yes he is. And as soon as
he gets another waffle,
he's gonna take those two
villains to hell.
Ann: Did you mean jail?
Ima: Okay, there first.
Yavkitchamitcha (writer):
Did you mean Mr. Mold
and Mr. Time Travel Changer?
Ima: Yes that mean gross moldy man
and that creep changer. Bad, bad, yuck!
Ima: It makes you wonder
how they got so bad.

Uhrayuh: Well, we're
almost ready. I just
got a message to wait up
until the cop gets here.
What are you looking at?
I don't see anything.
Mold: haha dough boy
Cookie has his work cut out
for him. but he has the
cake and cookie decorations.
Time Travel Changer: Yeah,
haha based on some physics
and our experiments, too.
Uhrayuh: You're bragging
about your bad stuffs
you're doing?
Mold: Yes we are, mermaid
Uhrayuh: I'll show you
mermaid women. Let's go!
No waffles for you!
but first, I have
Mold: What?! Changer,
she has our records and
some oh very eye-catching
posters... Wanted for
blowing up the Chem. lab.
Just part of it. That wasn't
our fault. We only wanted to
get somewhere in life.
Uhrayuh: You are and you will!!