Monday, March 16, 2020

Ima: What is this?!  No !!
The Overthinkers Club? or what?
Gosh, these guys think too much ...
Хлеба: It's a Girl !
The Overthinkers Club:
Pnah:  Universes  could
become mixed, even confused.
Hence, pop songs repeating...
Ima: What? I like pop songs.
Undercover Mermaid:  ahem uh hemum (clearing her throat) There is a bad man trying                                                       to hurt some
uwhee ooh  uwhee  ooh
Vulla Vila:  Got him!
Thanks, Ima.
Ima Speed Button, Vulla?
Vulla Vila: Yes! one
There was a bad man trying
to hurt some one. Now he can't
hurt anyone.

Your Enemy: 
ha ha ha
Ima: Who's
that laughing
at us!
Your Enemy:
I am Your
Ima: Write him
out of the story,
Scott and Yavki.
They're not back yet.
I'll try to write him out of
the story.
Undercover Mermaid: (singing)
and The Waffles Date continued
Ima: Thanks sweet mermaid!