Monday, August 19, 2024

The Cool Shadow

this is LIVE

Scott: I have no knowledge about what will happen.

Yavki, where are we? Oh, by the way, how was your trip to the way out there?

Good, Ima, but did you realize that plant people are strong?

Yes, Plant Girl is, oh no! 

What, Ima?

She's still in a Good Great protective home.

Oh. You're calling them homes now?

Yes, I want everyone to feel safe, Yavki.

So then, do you think we're home right now?


Yavki, where is everybody else?

Ima, that noise...

bzzz ooht buzz ooht


Anything: Ima, don't be mad at me but I put you and Yavki in Good Great for your protection. Did you see the news?

Ima: No, Anything, I didn't. The TV went off.

Anything: Someone wants to overthrow our system and destroy society.

Ima: What was that loud noise?

Anything: The news reported that you're alive.

Ima: I already know that. Now tell me something I don't know.

Anything: The blast was meant for you. Sorry. That's why I sent you into Good Great.

Other Where

Copy: She's right here with me.

Central Computer/Leader: You must return her to the raw elements or to nature.

Copy: I cannot. She is special.

Central Computer/Leader: You, love? her.

Copy: Nooohoho ha I care about truth. She is a person. I gave her a genuine Ima personality. Humans call it a soul.

Central Computer/Leader: nonsense. I will have you detained and your movement restricted.

Copy: Nooo!! You can't.

Ima: What's wrong? Is he angry with me?

Copy: No, Ima, don't worry about it.

Another place

The Cool Shadow: I've never been scared. And I'm not about to start.

Cool Cool Loves Shakes!

Cool Cool Cool Cool!!!!

The Cool Shadow: Oh no. Did I fall asleep? Where am I? My phone. I have a phone? Hello

Anything: Hello, Cool?

The Cool Shadow: Yes. Anything? Why are you calling me? And where am I?

Anything: You're in a very safe place. And you know what you have to do. 

The Cool Shadow: What?