Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Pink Ima: Well, I'm here guys.
Travaia: How did you get here?
I didn't see you come in.
Mold: Open the door!
Travaia: Shut up!
Mold: I can't think of
a comeback line.
Travaia: That's good.
Pink Ima: Is this ?
Travaia: Yes it is.
Mold: Oh argh ga ha!
I recognize someone.
Pink Ima: Eww gross.
Here, take that!
Super Pink!
thaa wush waa thush
Travaia: Wow! He's
a terrible type of pink.
Pink Ima: Yeah, I did good
but nobody's perfect!
Chamomile: Number Ima
Your Ima waffle is ready!
Travaia: Okay, Hello!
Oh are you? I mean,
Where are you ? um how?
Vulla Vila: Hello! I'm
looking for someone.
Mold: It's me, they
got me and I need
your help.
Vulla Vila: Help! Help!
Stop being a baby.
Why are you pink?
Pink Ima: I did that
to him.
Vulla Vila: I like it,
giving evil a makeover.

Chamomile: Number Ima!
Ima: Yes! Oh wow thanks
My waffle.
Chamomile: with hot syrup
ugimers fruits on top.
Ima: Is that what it is?
Chamomile: I'm not sure.
It says we can call this
fruit topping what ever
we want to call it.
Ima: ugimersht ?
I like it, or what
or  arg i'm tired and
don't want to argue.
Mold: Oh that good,
give me another bite!
Chamomile: Is it okay
to feed him, Ima?

Ima: I don't know.
At least he won't talk.
Mold: I can talk
and eat at the same time.
Travaia: So who
are you?
Vulla Vila:
I'm Vulla Vila
from around here.
What's she doing?!

Хлеба: This one
was lemon meringue 
and this one
is or was
coconut cream.
Ima: How does
it taste off the
Хлеба: umm
mwach gwach
It's okay, pretty