Wednesday, June 26, 2019

bzzz ooht
bzzz ooht
it's me, Ima, hello?
Ima: haha, Yavki !
I'm glad you're back.
I heard you kicked
some ass.
Not just the ass, Ima.
Ima: hahaha...
You know, I'm so happy.
bzzz ooht
oh that's for real.
Is that Scott?
Ima: No, it's Kzahmuh.
Where is she?
Ima: I don't know but
she wants to know if
there's lots of candy.
Chamomile: Ima, there's
a whole bunch of candy
Superpower Grape Punch Candy
and the picture of this one here
looks like a super strange banana
but they say it's like mango flavor
Уовгитьчамыща: and what, Chamomile?
Chamomile: Starfruit and of course
ugimers fruits
Ima: Of course that ugimersht. I love it!
Wow! Is that all for Kzahmuh?
Chamomile: Did she save and protect?
Ima: Kzahmuh, are you still there?
okay,  did you save and protect?
Kzahmuh: Why did you ask me like that?
Yeah, I did um and I was saved
or brought back.
Ima: okay, whatever, there's a huge
little mountain of candy waiting
here for you, so hurry up!
Kzahmuh: I'll be right there!