Sunday, June 16, 2019

Hours ago
Kzahmuh: Got him!
Haha I'm sure glad
I met you, Ann.
Ann: Who is that?!
Kzahmuh: I don't know.
but this person looks
a bit like me. wait. hmm...
What's this thing?
Ann: Don't touch it.
Kzahmuh: I already did...
ooh ee ooh woot ah ee ah
Ann: that sounds bad!
(like new)
Kzahmuh: So, this is what
happened? I guess I'm glad
they met each other. They saved me...

Kzahmuh: What's this? oh yeah,
my research on other writers in
other parallel universes...
What?!! Oh no, there are no other
Scott or Yavkitchamitcha writers.
I hope they're okay because
we need them to continue
writing our story.