Хлеба: I gotta get
smth. for Yavki.
Ima: What? Why?
Хлеба: almost five.
The Cool Shadow: Shakes?
Ima: Hi Cool !! um. err
Хлеба: What um?
Ima: Who has Cookie?
The Cool Shadow:
I think the other Cool.
Ima: You think?
we're in trouble...
Reporter: oh you're back!
Great. I wanted to ask
who that was ... some creature
and there was a woman
wearing a bracelet.
Something happened and I'm
still trying to figure it out
The man or um he? called
himself Cookie. Is that right?
Хлеба: Yes. He's a very dangerous
Ima: She means that he's a man
who's been causing some problems.
and we're doing, I mean filming
a movie.
Kzahmuh: It's more of a TV series.
You'll like it.
Vulla Vila: Changer pushed, um he tapped on
some device and he and Mold are gone...
Ima: Oh finally,
you're back, we
Reporter: Oh
ha ha. The
mold is gone.
What's that
about changer?
Хлеба: He is
Pink Ima: bad
and Mold
Ima: Mold is
bad. great actress.
Reporter: Is she,
Pink Ima: sort of,