Tuesday, December 25, 2018

bzzz ooht bzzz ooht
Ima: It's Travaia calling
Okay, yeah you should
talk to her
Ima: Okay, it'll just be a minute.
Yes, what's going on at P.H.?
Travaia: There's someone investigating
this right now. Where's Scott, I wanted
to tell him what they're doing.
Ima: He went to the store.
Travaia: okay. Ask Yavkitchamitcha
if she's ever heard of this name:
Ima: Yeah, alright, what is it?
Travaia:   Vulla Vila
Ima: Yavki, Travaia wants
to know if you've heard of
Vulla Vila.
Уовгитьчамыща: What does
she look like?
Ima: What does she look like?
Travaia: Tall, beautiful, red,
and they think she is the one
behind the attack.
Ima: She threw the pie at Хлеба?
Travaia: No. She sent someone to shoot us.
Ima: Who threw the pie?
Travaia: It's a long story.
It was her sister.
Ima: I can't wait to hear the long version.