Friday, December 21, 2018

Уовгитьчамыща: What's the name of
this story now, Scott, the girl's are
goofing off again?
Scott: yeah that's a good one, Yavki.
Уовгитьчамыща: Remember dear,
we represent the universe.
Scott: I agree, that sounds beautiful...
Уовгитьчамыща: Ima already did
her thing with you
Scott: LOL
Уовгитьчамыща: on the Waffle Date,
you know I meant that, right?
Ima: Yes, he did Yavki. What are
you guys talking about? I'm here too.
Scott: Yes, we're sorry.
Yavki: No. I can't be sorry, Ima.
You saw my dress.
Ima: Yes. It's beautiful.
Уовгитьчамыща: thanks. so, see,
I want a nice, happy Waffle Date, too.
Ima: Are you flirting with Scott?
Уовгитьчамыща: I hope so.
Ima, where's Travaia?
Ima: She took that violent creep
down to the police because I guess
they don't come out here.
bzzz ooht bzzz ooht
Уовгитьчамыща: You better answer
your phone, Ima.
Ima: okay. Hello?
Pink Ima: It's me.
Ima: Are you okay?
Pink Ima: There isn't much to eat
around here and I'm getting hungry.
Ima: I think there's some restaurants.
Хлеба, do you know Yakhoya?
Хлеба: Yeah, but it's not my Yakhoya.
Remember we're in Kzahmuh's
parallel universe...
Ima: ask Kzahmuh then since she's
from here.
Kzahmuh: I heard you. I've never
been to Yakhoya.
Have the Yavkitchamitcha from
here call her, Хлеба (Khleba)
Ima: We'll call Хлеба and, hey Khleba
you have a sister, right, so I'm guessing
this Khleba does too.
I'll try to figure
out how to get
you back here,
Pink Ima:
Thanks girls,
oh I see a sign
advertising SHAKES
and I'll be over at that place.

Is she still
on the phone?
Yeah. We're
trying to bring
her back, while
she's ordering
a milkshake.
Pink Ima:
I have it, mmm
it's delicious.
Hi, Ima, there's
a restaurant
close to that
shake place. I can't
remember the name.
Pink Ima: oh yay!
I see it, thanks. I'll
go there next.
Хлеба: sure