Friday, March 15, 2019

Travaia: What did she say?!
Mermaid Helen: I'm singing! hehe
Travaia: How did you know those
Mermaid Helen: I learned.
Travaia: What did you sing?
Mermaid Helen: I don't know.

bzzz ooht bzzz ooht
Ima: It's Travaia again!
Hello, Travaia?
Travaia: Yes, it's me.
Ima: Why did you call again?
Travaia: Put Khleba on the phone.
Ima: Why?
Travaia: I need to know what
the mermaid is singing.
Ima: okay. Khleba, she wants
to talk to you.
Хлеба: yes, what.
Travaia: Are you mad at me?
Хлеба: No.
Travaia: What does this mean,
listen:  kueee ye o wo ah iy i i ooh
Хлеба: I don't be a manager,
I like cute guys, and huh?
nooo it can't be...
Travaia: What?!
it can't be what?
Хлеба: Someone is trying to
punch holes in the universe.
and, and
Travaia: and what?
Хлеба: She doesn't want to be
a float in the parade.
Travaia: What? That's
Хлеба: I think it's a 
mermaid joke, or something.
Travaia: oh because
I asked her how did
you get here, float?
and she said, Yes I did.
Хлеба: Cool.