Friday, March 22, 2019

Travaia: What?
Ima: nothing.
Travaia: Why not?
Ima: I don't know.
Chamomile: Pies are
almost here. Candy too.
What's that, oh it's a cute
wrap around. quite
functional too.
Travaia: Yes it is, oh you
mean my dress? or what
I did outside to protect us?
Chamomile: your dress
of course, you are so sexy.
Is that Ima on the phone?
Travaia: Yes. wait a minute,
oh okay, Ima, come on over.
Chamomile: Did you make
that building out of... what?
It looks like it was manufactured
out of thin air.
Travaia: The air is not as thin as people think, um and some other elements. um it's a secret.
I have a secret too,
but I can tell you.
come on in now for
waffles and syrup.

Ima: Did she
say the waffles
are ready?
Travaia: Yes! Here
listen to her.
Number Ima.
Ima your waffle
is almost ready.
Ima: hahaha yeah
we're coming.
Travaia: okay see you soon.