Friday, October 04, 2019

Ima: So, wait
Khleba: wait?
Ima: Give me
the phone, Khleba!
Khleba: OK, here!
Ima: So, Scott
Scott: yes?
Ima: We'll live
happily ever after?
Scott: When?
Khleba: Why did you
say that, Ima?
Ima: ask. only asking
Gertrude: (I better do something, thinking)
Travaia: I'm back!  What?!!
very sexy, Gertrude.
Scott: What's going on there, Ima?
Ima: They didn't want me to
say "happily ever after".
Yavkitchamitcha (writer): Give me the phone.
How are you, Ima?
Ima: Okay, but it looks like Gertrude is getting all the attention.