Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Yavkitchamitcha: Ima, I'm out here
looking for those two creeps.
Ima: Yes, they are, Yavki. You mean
Mr. Mold Man and that guy trying
to ruin our friendships by preventing
us from meeting...
Yavkitchamitcha: and I want a waffle.
Ima: Wink and much love, honey.
Yavkitchamitcha: thanks, dear friend.
There here. I see them. Oh no!
Ima: What ... What's wrong?
I got you.
in the background:
   Hey, let me go!
Ima: hahaha I hear them.
Yavkitchamitcha: Now
if I can find our cop friend.
Ima: Good job, Yavki.
Gertrude: How do
you like my
ancient gothic
futuristic extra-
extra dress...
Ima: extra terrestrial?
Gertrude: No.
Just extra extra.
Do you want me
um us to fight like this.
Ima: No, Yavki.(did)
She kicked ass.
Mold: I heard that.
My ass is okay, but
I'm hungry for
a waffle.
Ima: Okay, Chamomile will make you
a going away present.
Wow! Gertrude that dress really is EXTRA!
Gertrude: Thanks, I'm
still hoping
to meet an alien.