Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ima: I need to figure out
who hit me.
:  hehehe
Ima: What? Who's giggling?
Oh Hi Ann... Ann?
Ann: Yes, Ima. I'm just waking up.
Ima: Really? Did you see anyone,
back there?
: hehehe
Ima: Do you hear that sound?
Ann: Yes, I do.
Gertrude: Maybe it's coming out
of Kzahmuh's device. Is that now, Ima?
Ima: I'm not sure.
: hehehe
  You can't figure out ...
Ima: What's that over there, in the corner?
Turn around, you!
: hehehe You're funny!
Ima: What?!
Ann: Ima, is that what it looks like?
Ima: It can't be.
Gertrude: It's real.
Ann: Childlike for sure.
: I am a child. a Cookie Child.
Ann: What's that on the device?
Ima: It's what's happe(n)ing
or will happen soon?
I don't know.
Cookie: ah HA! Soon I'm
going to Rule! It's real !!
Ima: It's not real. or it won't be.
Gertrude: Where did you come
from, honey?
Cookie Child: Him.
Ima: Who?
That?! ick. him?
Cookie Child: Yes.
Ima: Did you hit me?
Cookie Child: I'm sorry.
I ran away and I just
bumped into you.
I'm hiding. He's mean.
Ima: Yes. He is.
Very mean.
Wait! What's she
doing? I can't hear
what Vulla's saying
to that fat Cookie.
Turn it up, Gertrude.
Vulla Vila: You
know punch goes
with cookies...