Friday, December 20, 2019

Mmm urp! haHA:
Hey! Stop that!:
Ima: This is horrible!
Feeding Mr. Moldy Man
waffles is the worst.
Хлеба: Can I have
a bite?
Ima: You're not helping
me, Khleba.
Kzahmuh: We have
five minutes to get to
our party!
Ima: Party? You mean
the Waffles Date!
The Cool Shadow: I'm back, guys.
Pink Ima: We're girls.
Ima: We call everybody
hanging out guys in our universe.
The Cool Shadow: I have some shakes.
Hey, there's two Number Joes.
Uhrayuh: or is that Numbers Joe.
Kzahmuh: If there's  um mmm good waffle, Ima.
Ima: Thanks.
What about Joe?
Kzahmuh: If there's one
of him from your universe,
is there a Mold there? How (about)
Time Travel Changer?
The Cool Shadow: I don't have that many shakes.