Monday, December 30, 2019

Уовгитьчамыща (writer, this universe):
Scott: What?
Уовгитьчамыща (writer): shhh I'm whispering...
Scott: I didn't hear you.
Уовгитьчамыща (writer): Do something
and I'll write about it.
Scott: like what?
Уовгитьчамыща (writer): Stop someone
or start something in writing.
Scott: I'll try but I'm feeling weak
and hungry.
Уовгитьчамыща (writer): Use your
writer's super strength.
Уовгитьчамыща: Hey! what's going
on? I was looking for you, Scott.
Ima is ready to have the Waffles Date.
and did she kiss you?
Уовгитьчамыща (writer): Did you write
her in right now, Scott?
Scott: No! I wrote what she did.
Remember, you told me to write (about)
what they do.
Уовгитьчамыща (writer): Write about this!
Уовгитьчамыща: He likes my
kisses better! mwach mwach
Ima: What's going on in the kitchen?
Get out here! Travaia's being nice
to me and so are Khleba and Pink Ima
and I didn't expect it.
Уовгитьчамыща (writer): Okay, I'll write
about it, Ima. That sounds like
a nice fantasy.