Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Ima: Yavki?!!
Уовгитьчамыща: Yes?
Ima: No. Just a minute.
Уовгитьчамыща: What?
Ima, I'm busy writing
this name down, she called
to talk to Helen.
Ima: Who? What?
Уовгитьчамыща: I don't
know exactly. Do you know
an Uhrayuh?
Ima: No, I don't.
Pink Ima: What did you say?
Уовгитьчамыща: Someone
named Uhrayuh called for Helen.
Pink Ima: I've heard that name.
Уовгитьчамыща: Those two
mean men that wouldn't let me go,
next thing I knew I was in Yakhoya?
Хлеба: haha How did you like my homeland?
Pink Ima: great! they're friendly!
also a delicious shake!
Хлеба: Yeah. That's where I'm from, girls.
Kzahmuh: When can I go there with you?
Хлеба: Maybe soon.

Another part of Anything
Ann: I hope he answers.
Scott: Hello. Who is this?
Ann: Scott, it's me.
Scott: Ima?
Ann: No, it's Ann.
Scott: Oh, Hi Ann. How are you?
Ann: I'm fine. I wanted
to ask you about planning
Ima's party for 3 years.
Scott: Sure, I hope
you will be in charge
of planning.
Ann: Yes, I will, Scott.
Scott: I have to go,
Yavkitchamitcha is
worried. Those
two bad men
have that woman.
Ann: I see her outside
and they're going out
right now to talk to her.
They're waving at me. What?!
Scott: What's going on?
Ann: They held
her up!
Scott: What?
Ann: It's like only a cardboard

Ima: I have
to look at this
Pink Ima: 
okay, but those
jerks might
hurt Uhrayuh.
Ima: I can't 
think about that
right now, other
Pink Ima: other
Ima? Knock it off,
Ima: Is this
Yavki? She's
cute as a child
2000? training
for what?
I need to
hear what
they're saying
wait a minute.