Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Pink Ima was trying to fly in
the kitchen. It was a day like
any other, which is off the record.
There was absolute and complete
silence until a few dishes fell on the
floor. Writers shouldn't blame this
on anyone, so this one won't either.
In Anything you could feel
like life was grand if you didn't
already feel that way.

Pink Ima: I was just jumping
a little bit.
Хлеба: Thanks for breakfast,
Gertrude, it was delicious!
Gertrude: I'm glad you liked it.
Do you think we'll be able to fit
in some waffles?
Jane or Jasmine: I want
at least three to catch up
to you ladies.
Ann: Yes, we're at our most
lady like when eating waffles.
haha  Did I hear Ima say
it's the end of the season.
Хлеба: End of Season Four??
What is she talking about?
Kzahmuh: Where did my
Kzahmuh-vision device go?
Хлеба: I haven't seen it.
Kzahmuh: No, I wasn't
blaming you, Khleba.
Хлеба: thanks, Kzahmuh.

Ima: What is this? Who
is this?
Уовгитьчамыща: What are
you doing, Ima?
Ima: Nothing, Yavki.
Уовгитьчамыща: I don't
understand : End of Season Four
?? I'm not an actress anymore.
That was just
Ima: just what?
Уовгитьчамыща: Mom's idea.
I wanted to be a mixture
of acrobat, dancer, and
fighter ... fighting to protect
the planet and love, of course.
High values and care, do good.
Ima: Yeah! I love it!

okay, I'm sorry for
the tell all of my heart.
Ima: All?
Well, not All.
not with a capital "A"
anyway. I have to talk
with Helen more about 
Ima: What?
the end ??!!
of the multiverse
Ima: okay, I have to
look at this. something
doesn't seem to add up here.

Ima: What is this
on Kzahmuh's
Hmm... is this
some children's
TV show? oh that's
cute, kids competition,
so I guess they're
athletes in the making...
wait a minute who
is the child with
the bright red face,
could that be the
daughter of the
woman outside?

wait a minute,
this says around the
Year 2000 on it.
And Yavkitchamitcha's
name is on here. No it says "Help Уовгитьчамыща" How does this help her?! Season Four is still going...