Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Other Room
Kzahmuh: I hope
Scott's okay with me
starting this off today.

Near the Bedroom Beach
Ima: Maybe I should
call Travaia and ask
her about the red woman
or red girl. Who is she?

Bedroom Beach
 whee chuh chuh
 ewew tuh tuh
What's that, a mermaid
saying or something?
Where's Helen?
Oh this is a phone?
Push on this, here?

caller: Hello. Where are you, Helen?
Уовгитьчамыща: This isn't Helen.
It's her new friend, Yavkitchamitcha
caller: This is Uhrayuh.
Уовгитьчамыща: I can tell her that you called.
Uhrayuh: thank you. goodbye for now. I'll call her, there's a problem...
Уовгитьчамыща: It is about
the multiverse.
Uhrayuh: What?!
That's scary. I called because some
evil powers are trying to bring all the
bad guys together to destroy mermaids
and humans too.
Уовгитьчамыща: really?!!
This is horrible. We'll discuss it.
and come up with a plan to stop it.

Kzahmuh (in The Other Room (in Anything): I can't let them see this. what happened... this is scary, our idea for a chocolates business?

Mold: haha that's as funny
as it gets.
Time Travel Changer: I wonder
if they'll edit out our          
Mold: Let's       it again,
Time Travel Changer: and
chocolates from Yakhoya of
the future.